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zen city foundation

About Zen City Foundation

Zen City Foundation (formerly Zen City Academy) is a non-profit educational organization based in the US. Our mission is to empower individuals globally through accessible education. We offer a variety of classes that impart essential knowledge and foster personal and professional growth. Our aim is to create a learning environment that transcends geographical boundaries and provides people worldwide with the skills and opportunities needed for a brighter future. Rooted in the principles of inclusivity and education for all, Zen City Foundation aspires to be a catalyst for positive change in the international community.

Our Vision

Our vision at Zen City Foundation is to be a beacon of global learning, where knowledge knows no borders. We envision a world where everyone, regardless of their location, has access to quality education, unlocking doors to diverse job opportunities. As we strive to expand our reach internationally, we see a future where individuals from every corner of the globe benefit from the transformative power of education. Through our unwavering dedication to creating a global network of learners, we aim to build bridges that connect people, cultures, and opportunities, fostering a more interconnected and empowered global community.

Value Statement

Zen City Foundation is more than just an educational organization. It is a wellspring of inspiration, turning your dream into reality to foster positive values that benefit the community.
At Zen City, we perceive education not merely as the imparting knowledge but as a voyage of self-discovery and exploration of the world. We hold the belief that success is not solely gauged by knowledge but also by students evolving into well-rounded individuals, poised to confront challenges and actively contribute to society.

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